To book a CVRT call 090 6481326

Annual Road Test for Commercials Vehicles

Every commercial vehicle must have a Certificate of Roadworthiness. To obtain this the vehicle must go through a Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Test (CVRT).

The VTN is the Vehicle Testers Network; it is a network of test centres regulated by The Road Safety Authority RSA. It is mandatory for Commercials vehicles to be tested yearly.

There are two classifications of vehicles Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) – up to 3500kgs (gross vehicle weight) and Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCVs) – 3501kgs (gross vehicle weight and over).

The purpose of the network is to provide a strong and vibrant network of test centres which are required to operate to the highest international standards.

All commercial vehicles must be tested annually from the anniversary of their first registration.

To book in your vehicle for a test call us on 090 6481326
